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Happy Holidays!

Sleigh bells are ringing, children singing, there's a sparkle in yr eye, you've been drinking too much eggnog. Put down the booze and don't snooze, we got a seasonal miracle for you here at Appleseed Co. Co. The bigwigs here at business central told us we need to have a special sale cause people don't know what in God's name to buy for their nephews. So good news, gift warblers! Your tribulations are over.

Tis is the season. Less than a month till we're on the road again! We'll be busting down towards Florida January 1st, but on New Year's Eve you can find us at Arbor Brewing Company for our MEGA NEW YEARS SWING DANCE PARTYTRONICS.

Before that we'll be at Cliff Bells, and you can see a few of us at the Ebird and Friends Holidays Shows, December 11-13th. Head on over to our TOUR section for more info!

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